Can I get Health Insurance with a pre-existing Medical Condition?

Can I get Health Insurance with a pre-existing Medical Condition?

If you currently have a medical condition, are suffering from an injury or have a history of health issues and you decide to take out health insurance, you may find it affects both the application process and the cost of the policy. Every insurer will have a different set of criteria and a list of…

No Health Insurance? No Problem! What to do when you aren’t Insured.

No Health Insurance? No Problem! What to do when you aren’t Insured.

Many people assume that when it comes to deciding how to look after their health they are limited to just two options: using the free service that the NHS offers or to take out health insurance in order to cover them for private care. Well, they would be wrong, because there is a new trend…

What will I get from Health Insurance that I won’t get on the NHS?

What will I get from Health Insurance that I won’t get on the NHS?

Most people in the UK rely on the NHS for it’s free healthcare service, whether it be visits to your GP, hospital care or in some cases free treatment, prescriptions and medication. So it begs the question, why would we need private health insurance when we can get most of what we need for free?…